
This is one of the many opportunities that can be harnessed. Example of high profit crops include: Ginseng (Green Gold). Over the six year period, growers can make as much as $100,000 on a half-acre plot from seeds, rootlets and mature roots Mushrooms – At the current wholesale price of $7 a pound, a growth on a small 10’x10’ land area can make $17,000 Building Green House. As farmland disappear, the green house is an effective method of actually growing crops and plant without the actual use of the ground.

Growing Crop and Green House


Gardening & Canning

According to IBISworld Report, the Food Cart Business has grown an average of 9.3% per year over the last 5 years. This means that this is a highly profitable business. Workers can make as much as $35,000 per year

Food Carts

Mentally challenged persons can also function by providing services such as wedding decorations, balloon archers, work as attendants at baby showers and special effect personalities at Valentine, Easter’s, Christmas etc.

Party Planning and Events

They can also participate in thorn party canvas. This will require that they go to elderly people’s home and join them in the painting of art works. Mentally disabled people can sing already composed songs with sophisticated beats at operas.

Entertainment and Arts

For more information, please feel free to call us at 330-298-5341 or send us an email.

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